Oracle Applications & DB Specialist

Vendor : Oracle.

Total-TECH Co.

” The Job Description”

  1. Experience +4 years in managing Oracle Applications(R11 & R12) on Linx/Unix platforms.
    2. Experience +4 years’  in administrating implemented OS/Platform.
    3. Experience +5 years in Oracle DB administration with oracle 9i/10g/11g/xx.
    4. Shell scripting , PL/SQL ,Triggers and stored procedures coding proficiency .
    5. Oracle 9iAS/10gAS and discoverer administration.
    6. Strong experience in managing concurrent Managers, reports, servers and initiators .
    7. Strong knowledge of Oracle-e Business suite R12 underlying architecture .
    8. Certified Oracle Apps, DBA, OCP EBS 11i and R12.

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