Sr. Infrastructure Engineer

Vendor : Vmware.

Total-TECH Co.

” The Job Descriptions”

1-Administer, maintain, troubleshoot and support large multi-platform Virtualized environment that includes Multiple clusters, HP Blade, Dell servers.

2-Perform root cause analysis for major issues and also provide workarounds to ensure business continuity.

3-Identify, analyse and resolve problems specifically on Virtualization, and in general cross platforms.

4-Change Management: Prepare Implementation plan, rollback plan and test plan, risk and impact analysis for critical or complex changes.

5-Set up and maintain daily operations, work with and provide support to other Admins such as storage, networking and backup operations as needed.

6-Ensuring all devices are added into monitoring system with all required parameters.

7-Identify single-point-of-failure and plan to mitigate the same.

8-Harden infrastructure parameters in line with SAMA security policy and standards or best practices.

9-Availability and capacity planning and management: keep a track of uptime and capacity utilization of production clusters and end-user servers and publish reports to management.

10-Perform hardware and software upgrades on ESXi servers and Virtual environments.

11-Execute additional tasks given to meet internal IT projects milestones and willingness to put additional hours when ever required.

12-Update and close tickets, update documents (such as handover documents, root cause analysis, analysis and recommendations to reports, post incident reviews) in a timely manner with high quality.

13-Communicate with and log calls with vendors or 3rd parties where necessary in order to resolve issues and product bugs.

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